Passion vs. Purpose


On passion vs. purpose -⁣⁣

It's not about following your passion. Don’t get me wrong, our passions are beautiful things that bring so much joy into our lives. But in terms of career, it's pretty hard to follow passion because our current definition of it is quite fleeting and superficial. Is your passion the thing you just enjoy doing? Is your passion the thing you care about most? What if you can't make money from your passion? ⁣⁣

I believe it's about following your purpose. Purpose is that thing deep inside you that tells you why you’re here, what matters most to you, how you’re meant to contribute.If passion brings fleeting moments of joy, purpose brings meaning, fulfillment, and satisfaction to our lives, our work, our being.⁣⁣

Following your purpose doesn’t mean that you’re always going to be blissfully happy. It doesn’t mean every day you’ll wake up loving your job, ready to take on the day. In fact, many days you’ll find yourself dealing with great challenge, because you stepped into something real. ⁣⁣

It will mean that you’ll know you’re on the right path because in your bones, you know it’s the right thing for you. Even on hard days, it feels filling. It feels meaningful. ⁣⁣

Truthfully, you already have your purpose inside you. You’ve followed it when you got curious about something, followed the breadcrumbs, experienced it and it felt right.⁣⁣

Reflect on what lights you up, what you’re deeply curious about, what experiences you’ve already had that have brought meaning into your life. See what comes up. ⁣⁣

Through years of helping people find what matters most to them and using it to unlock their potential be it as a student or an employee, I’ve learned a thing or two about helping people find their purpose. My work with clients now helps people put words to their purpose so that no matter where they are in life - transitioning to a new role or just trying to find more meaning in their current work - they can have a north star that can be used as a framework for making decisions. Decisions that they can be confident will lead to deeper fulfillment, and ultimately contentment, in their work and lives.

Emma Leuman