On Using The Tools


On using the tools -⁣

when we finally are called to use all of the tools⁣
when we are put to the test⁣
when we are truly in the midst of learning the lessons ⁣
that is when we can see how much we have already grown⁣


We need to use our tools in times of indecision, when we’re feeling unsettled or stuck on a path that seems like it may not be right for us in this moment.⁣

My next workshop was designed with that feeling in mind.⁣

During “GETTING UNSTUCK”, I’ll help you identify the tools you need to get out of your rut and into the career path of your dreams - and then we’ll create an initial action plan so you can follow through.⁣

Together, we’ll get you to a place of confidence and power. ⁣

Join me on Saturday, December 7th at THE SPACE for “GETTING UNSTUCK”, the small group workshop that will help you find clarity around your career and pursue your purpose. Check out my Events page for more information.

Emma Leuman